

Environmental uncertainity is a key concept in literature and organization de singing, especially those viewpoints explaining the reality and the way of
interaction between organization and environment are of considerable
importance. An impotant part of theoretical and imperical activities is
devoted to the definition, evaluation and measurement of environmental
uncertainity. There is a hypotheses besides all attemps that uncertainity is
risky for organizational blance and contented performance. Therefore there has been a focuse to recognize and to propose a way to reduce or eliminate the negetive outcome ofuncertainity.
Despite the fact that the definition of enviromental uncertainity has
brought up an important theoretical basis, there is a contoversy in the analysis of the findings of experimental researches.
The important issue in this research is the question of how successful
organizations adjust themselves to the conditions of unreliability. The
structure, strategy, organizational customs and other elements and important
variables raise the question that what conditions should organizations and
institutions have in a situation of enviromental unreliability. In other words
what are the ways and solutions for efficient organizations in confronting a situation like this. This research attempts to answer the above questiones in
order to design and explain organizational efficiency model in conditions of enviromental unreliability.
