Pragmatism has recent1y formed the basis for many prevalent manageria1 theories in the West to the extent that it has gradually
captured the attention of many theorists in varions discip1ines ranging from bi010gy, psychology, sociology to behaviora1 and
management sciences. Phi10sophers such as Char1es S. Peirce, Wi11iam James, John Dewey, C1arence Irving Lewis and George
Hebert Mead have proposed and advocated the various aspects of pragmatism which will entail complex meanings 1ike,
"Stimulus", "Sense" and "Behavior". The magintude of the practitioners' achievements in the material dimension this
philosophy overwhe1ms its intellectual aspect. They have made a great attempt to explain human behavior in society with recourse
to Darwinism, evolutionism and survival of the fittest. This philosophy can be identified as the source of modern behaviorism
which will indirect1y impact systems and expediency theories as we11.