One of the Fundamental issues in the sociology of organizations is to study the managers' skills. Perceptive skil1 is
considered to be one of the managers' skills . The manager's philosophical subjectivity is indicative of the perceptive skill which is divided in to three dimensions 0f comprehensiveness,
profundity and flexibility.
The present paper is a report on l11easlIrable study concerning
the social dimensions of managers' philosophical subjectivity conductied in the spring of 1998 in Najafabad and Seillirol11
towns. The social dimensions are primarily intended to el11phasize social segregation (including sex and education), social
organization, social structure as well as 111anagerial background.
The data include 200 managers in four organizations which
have been collected through questionnaires and extracted and analyzed by computer (SPSS) in the windows.