

Whenever decision markers of executive organizations use the outcome of research in their decision making, they could playa
better role in development of their society. To achieve this end, an effective communication between decision makers and
research institutions must beesta.
This article explains the concept of: research utilization, decision making and communication as well as comparing the
process of communication with research utilization. It also deals
with the factors, such as, h omogeneity and interpersonal
confidence between decision makers and researchers, having an impact on the way of using research in decision making. Finally
the article explains the relationship between the level of economic and social development, the way of socialization and cultural
diferences of these two groups and the use of research in decisk1n making.
Thus, an appropriate technology, proper organization, homogeneity of socialization in childhood, adolescence, and
durning the occupational period, can have an impact on effective Communication. It also can decrease the cultural
misunderstanding among decision makers and researchers. These

factors, as a result, could be of great assistance to a better use of research in decision making.