

The concept of development, its goals, roles and application to the third world countries is the title of an article by Dr.gholam reza taleghani .
He defines the general concept of development as a
gradual and structured change and from a preliminary
stage to a more advanced and complex system. The process of development Involve all facets of national life. In general the conceptual objectives of development can be summarized as follow.
1- To increase performance and productivity.
2- To establish equality and justice in using the national income, public services, and of productive opportunities. 3-To create genuine employment.
4- To enhance self confidence in performance and
creative decisron making.
S- To encourage people's participation in reconstruction and development.
6- To insure efficient management of resources namely, land, water, forests, and other natural resources. The
further explains the main features

development and differences between the concepts of growth and development.
