"Power and Leadership in Organizations" is an article by Edwin P. Hollander and Val lion R. Afrman , translated
to Farsi by Jamshid kamai and Dr. Ali Akbar Farhangi.
Psychologists' tendencies to research in the areas of power and leadership in organizations is discussed with strong emphasis is placed on the role of the subordinates. Historical development of such tendency
and its current applications for increasing involvement of
subordinates in organizational is reviewed. Problems and difficulties regarding delegation of authorities to subordinate is examined. Although research in the areas of power and leadership in response to organizational questions has developed considerably, none the less the article provides recommendations for future research. Other topics which are discussed in this article include: characteristics and traits of the leaders, role of leader and
subordinate, charismatic and evolutionary leadership, organizational culture and leadership style, role of power, participation and power distribution, barriers in giving power to the subordinates, and the direction of research toward leadership.