Managerial Grid, as Presented by Blare and Muthan , has been used in OD, as one of it s numerous applications. The authors originally designed the grid with the five Standard Managerial Styles in mind, based on Organizational Structure and chamcteristies. However, the grid addresses itself to an exceptionally Wider perspecive (i . e. 81 options) , being Particularly interesting in Cases 9.9, 5.5, 1.9,9.1, and 1 .1 . the Fundamental assumption is that the grid has tube riewed differently with managerial, human, Product ion arid other related emphasis in a particular Organization .Hence , the need for due emphasis on each dimension of the grid, based on Organizational Capabilities.
The author indicates the need for an adjustable scale under different Organizational circumstances , therefore, the necessity for a dynamic versus a static use of the grid.