

Since 199 university admission in Iran has been achieved through a nationally—held entrance examination. Records thus obtained by the Evaluation Organization can be analyzed to determine the quality of instruction in various institutions of higher learning.
This has been done by Mr. Mohammad Hossain Purkazemi
and is published in this edition under the title of “The Performance of Management and Accounting Majors in Evaluation Tests: A Study of University Ranks in the Nationally—held graduate Admission Tests”.
The Author examines the profile of the admitted graduate Student in management and accounting oil the basis of such criteria as sex, admission quota, geographical origin, test score, university admission ratios, etc., and concludes that the following institutions have held top three positions in the number of their undergraduates who have passed the graduate admission tests. They are, in order, The Ghom Complex of I Higher Education (affiliated to Tehran U university), Tehran university, and Shahid Beheshti University. ‘[he to1) three institutions which have produced highest percentage of graduate admissions are (in order) The Ghom Complex of higher Education, Tehran University, and Shiraz University.
