

The gorwth and development of the society is only achieved by the upgrade of the level of technology. Technology is a system of hardware or equipment elements,
potentialities, human skills, technical knowledge and management authorities and organization put together. For the upgrade of the level of technology, it is required that coherent, coordinated and consistent upgrade and development of all the elements together which are available within and through technology development and transfer.
The role of management in the proc of technology development as well as transfer is
11ite important and it can he delineated in four macro stage of science, technology, corporate organizations, and experteese and vocational skills of management itself.
This article defines the importance and significance of technology first and then t lie role of management has been tackled.
Technology has been defined as the capability of the application of science in order to meet the required needs and results. By the further development of science new potential opportunities for the development of technology will he created. Technology development will hell) human being to set off their material and mental desires for beyond the existing frontiers. It will help to accomplish the intellectual goals, hence to provide a
comprehensive ground for fur her development of science. It is only by the technology development which the increase in production level, and services can he achieved and by organizing all of these within the super organization of cultural cohesion, political and social atmosphere the comprehensive upgrade of living standards can he actualized.
It is because of the at most importance of technology and its development as a main element of human capability in all economic, cultural, political and military organization that the managers consider themselves responsible to keep a keen eye on technology growth, transfer and development as an important managerial tools.
