

This article has been designed for the application of linear planning methods for analysis and implementation of economic goods arid objectives from manage me lmperspective and is based on a dimension of life
— time desired expectation modeling The multitudes of economic policies mixed with risk- free investments can increase directly or indirectly the amount of capital in an
economic system. Hence the effects of such policies as the limiting relations in optimizing the desired objective constants is very
Accordingly by representing the objective
constants and their limiting relations for fluctuations, there are two effective elements on the desirability of demand and investment for human resource . For this two models the methods ot Zoutondig and Longrange with the sharp slope.
This type of modeling is specifically fitting ones for the individal and group activities in the economic sphere for our society because there has not been any coexisting model designed yet for this society. The conceptual processing aspect of the model is so thorough and sound that it makes the data processing very easy and effective.
The models and methods represented here can help the policy makers and planners in evaluating the applied activities of economic policy making.
