

This article endeavours to deeply analyse and study the Total quality (TQ) System and distinguish its difference with the western managerial culture and also the causes of successfulness and nonsuccessfulness of this development method in Iranian companies.
The author believes that, with respect to economic and cultural situation our country enjoys higher capabilities for execution of total quality system and the many similarities which exist between this method and the divine culture of Islam am can accelerate. The development of country to a considerable degree. This article which is based on a field experimental research, for realization its objectives the following question should have been answered:
1- What are the principal differences between two major managerial culture, total
quality culture and western managerial culture and what are their consequences in practice.
2- What are the fundamental similarities between “Islamic culture” and total quality culture”?
3- The causes and factors of successfulness of this system in Iranian corporations which are utilizing it.
4- With respect to the results of this field experimental research for finding a solution for this problem, what kind of model can he designed and utilized for implementation of “Total Quality system” in Iranian corporations.
