

Nowadays the customers more than before emphacise over quality and wellcome the goods that exert more satisfaction out of them. Recent researches demonstrate that 8 out of 10 buyers prefer quality to price while this buyer was 3 to 4 buyers out of 10 in ten years ago.
Looking at it from other perspective is the fact that the concept of quality is proposed in such a way that represents the management styles and quality of the essence of management in any organization. It is of course at this stage that it is called a total and overall system which through participation of all employees endeavours to increase productivity and continuously improve the process and production of organization.
This system in Japen is called quality control at the level of company (CWQC) or TQC and in the west T.Q.M.
In order to inplement this system there is a need for a mental revolution in organization in such a way that not only th management should believe in and have commitment to
facilitate and create actualities so that this mental revolution to he utilized in all facets of organization. This article is the summary of a field research conducted over 14 big companies of organization for development and reconthuction of IRANIAN industries.
