Transnational corporations (TNCs) are increasingly designing their production and distribution strategies with the global economy in view, thus expanding the scope of international production. Recent trends in FDI and TNC activites illustrate the deep and ongoing occurring in the world economy and
The nuivers of TNCs in the early 1990s was composed of at least 37,000 parent firms that controlled over 200/000 foreign affiliates worldwide. Transnational corporations and their activites have not only grown in quantitative terms they also have had a qualitative on the global economy and management, within the broader process of globalization.
The purpose of this article is expressing this reality that without scientific approach we are not able to recognize TNCs, their management style, and how they controlled over developing countries’ resources. Thus there is not any possibility to bargain about equity.
The developing countries must provide conditions, plans to behave versus TNCs in a rational way, and also identify their internal weaknesses and strengths and also external opportunities and threats to he able to design relevant strategies to acquire their objectives.