

This article aims to study the interplay between public culture and public administration from various angles. The public administration is evolved in the cultural breeding - ground on the one hand and the social culture is formed and developed with an eye to the mechanisms governing the public administration on the other hand. The culture in every society resembles a tree with its own roots, trunks, branches, boughs, leaves and fruits which is distinct from other cultures. This cultural tree is crystallized with principles and values in its roots, concepts and structures in its
trunk, and outside manifestations in its leaves. With the help of this allegory and metaphor, we can easily delve into the complicated sens of culture which has been discussed by the theorists of the social sciences and then make an assessment of the public administration status.
Based on this viewpoint, the public adlninistrarion in every society may also be regarded as components of a cultural tree in the same society emerging with its own endemic and particular
characteristics. This tree will obviously sprout and develop in a special soil conditioned by various elements such as geographical, ecological, political, economic, social, legal and techonological features and systems as well as security and military facters. In this way, an administrative system is born, evolves and develops a sense of direction.with the perception o such elements ,an administrative system ,being more effective and efficient ,can be established so as to run and regulate the communal affairs more rationally.