A paradigm as a worldview (the way of seeing the world) being scientifically shared by a group of scholars, functions to guide the research process in each scientific discipline.
It is the paradigm in each discipline which orients: what questions should be asked? How questions should be asked? How questions should be answered?
Since a paradigm presents a unique interpretaiton of facts, This question comes up whether it is possible to integrate all visions emerged from different paradigms.
In this respect, Kuhn presents the incommensurability thesis among paradigms and dismisses any communication between
different paradigms. In contrast, Karl Popper Maintains that even the hardest languages can be translated into one another.
The outcome of Kuhn-Poppper debate in organizational studies is that some beleive that paradigmatic diversities threatens the organization and management theories, while otheres believe that such diverstites can provide opportunites.
This article which fouces on the second approach attempts to lay emphasis on the necessity of conducting multi-paradigmatic research towards a more comprehensive understanding of complex phenomenon of organization.