Puting Forth a Theoretical Framework-for Determining the Distinctive Features of Performance Models in the Discipline of Higher Education


This essay is devoted to suggesting a
theoretical framework for determining the role
of applied measures. in evaluation of
universities and higher educational institutions.
To begin with, the role and importance of
those measures have been determined and
then the details of applied ones analyzed and
suggested as a theoretical framework. In this
respect the relevant indicators to the quality of
teaching, scores, per capita cost, value added,
revolving ratio of the educational dropoffs , job
placement graduates, assessments made by
students and colleagues, the number of
students researchers, the humber of
publications, the quality of researches on the
basis of quotations and factors effective in
publicatiors, research revenue, evaluation by
homngeneous groups, degree of insight,
acceptability and distinguishness, has been
paid attention to and analyzed.
At the end also a summery of conclusions and
applied recommendations is discussed.