In today's complex, tension - striken and
tumultuous world, the profession and
private life of individuals are so comingled
to each other, - and even the profession
life often have dominated their private life
- that made the organizations to pay more
attention to the quality of their employees'
profession life.
So one of the most important objectives
of individuals is to find a reputable
organization to work in, and to get a good
job with a satisfactory income and
prospective as well as promoting to
higher positions with more advantages and
However, people do not even contented
with merely climbing up the promotion
ladder, but they wish to feel their progress
along with their flourishing of abilities and
potentials. Because this is the only way to
maintain one's eligibility to be employed
and to get promoted to higher positions.
Taking the above issues into
consideration, during the past few years,
the authorities of organizations have paid
more attention to the quality of staff
development process in their organizations
and by implementing sound managerial
policies and plannings, They planned their
strategies in such a way that they would be
of great help for both sides, - The
employee and the organization - to
achieve their objectives and goals.
So, it becomes clear - cut that not only
there are special methods to be followed
for searching, selecting and appointing
individuals, but also the employee's
progress after entering an organisation,
should not be randomly and by chance.
In order to create more motives in staff,
during their working life - the period
during which they take the responsibility
of carrying out different types of jobs - one
after the other, the selection of jobs and
granting the responsibility to the
employees should be based on particular
regulations and criteria and also be in
accordance with the employees' abilities
and interests.
Promotion planning refers to the
process through which, individuals become
enable to get those kinds of jobs that are
entirely consistant with their abilities and
potentials, tastes, moral values, interests
and their personality.
Management of promotion also is a
trend which can be used by the authorities
of organizations as a means of delegation
by appointing the individuals to the
positions that are consistant with their
abilities, interests, needs and objectives of
the both parties as well.
The different issues such as duration of
success, employee's classifications,
feasiblity study, general condition and
situation of jobs in organizations, service
life, different processes of professional
life, individual planning for promotion,
planning for change of job, organizations'
role in the promotion of staff, the features
of working path and etc, are of the main
issues that have been covered in this