In the conventional and traditional
perspective, privatization has been equalled to
De- nationalization and transfer of the
ownership of public institutions to private
sector. These are different methods of
privatization ranging from ownership and
stock-share transfer, privatization of activities
and creeping privatization which in their own
term further sale-divisions are attributed as
In this article while a definition of
privatization has been given, different methods
of privatization have been explained with
special focus on the objectives of privatization
in Iran and Britain.
The preventive measures of privatization in
Iran and comparing it with other industrialized
countries has been analyzed . Lack of financial
market demand, less efficiency of stock
recharge, lack of proper and detailed
assessment of the capacity of private sector
and the appraisal level of the companies which
can be transfered to private sector are some
among the problems of privatization which
have been dealth with.