Marketing: Organization Objectives foilowup


Mark e tin g is 0n e 0f the imp0rtant
management subjects which nowadays in third
world countries has been paid much less
attention. The reasonable ground for the
existence of such problem is the lack of the
recognition of managers of the importance of
such a subject matter.
describes In this article dr. namak forosh
and defines marketing in order to make clear
its very essence and objective.
The many different definitions of marketing
such as, sale market, commodity and market
survey, market search, planning of market
policies, market conditions and customer
awareness studies, and all the business and
trade activities have been analysed in this
article. The writer considers marketing as the
science of organization's objectives fOLLOWUP, or
the science of organizational evolution and
believes that this subject among management
knowledge has more integrated definitions" '
than what has been offered-up to now.
The writer in this article finally concludes that
marketing not only is not a peculiarity OF
western societies or profit and product
oriented organizations, hut it has vast
application. As a matter of fact it is related to
all the institutions of societies and it has to be
utilized in all organizations. Whether they are
product oriented, or serviceoriented , profit or
nonprofit organization and public or private.