"The Impact of Culture on Resolving Conflicts Among Managers and Employees: a Comparison of the American. Jordanian, and Turkish Management"


Our third translated article, prepared by
mr. mohammad javad huzori As komeil
kozan's article "The Impact of Culture on
Resolving Conflicts Among Managers and
Employees: a Comparison of the American.
Jordanian, and Turkish Management". The
author, a professor at a Turkish university, has
conducted a field stydy of conflict
management within corporations in Jordan,
Turkey, and the United States. His objective
was to find the ways that managers resolve
contlicats with employees, supervisors, and
peers. Data were collected throught
questionnaires and analyzed through tables of
paired samples.
The study considers five major methods of
Conflict resolution within the organization.
They are: l.Forceful, 2. Adaptive, 3.compromise, 4. Avoidance, and 5.Cooperation.
The findings reveal that managers in Turkey use the forceful method to resolve conflicts with their employees while
they resort to the adaptive method in dealing
with the supervisors. They apply the avoidance
method to prevent coniflicts with peers. In
Jordan, managers prefer avoidance and
compromise methods for resolving conflicts
with peers. They resort to' the adaptive
method in dealing with emplyees and the
avoidance method when they are in conflict
with supervisors. Turhish managers, like their
American counterparts, apply the adaptive
method when they deal with supervisors.
However, for conflict with their employees
they resort to the forceful method. American
managers, on the other hand, prefer the
cooperation method tor conflict with their employees.
The prevalence of many cultural traits that are
commnon between Jordanian, Turkish, and
Iranian people makes Dr. Kozan's findings
relevant to the Iranian working environment.
It is expected that his findings will be used by
Iranian managers to resolve conflicts within their organizations.